The heart of an average human being beats about 90,000 times each day. This heart beat actually pumps the blood into main arteries which carry the blood to different parts of human body through smaller veins. The beating of heart creates certain force with which the blood is carried into arteries. This force pushes the walls of arteries and as a reaction the arteries push back which results into propulsion of blood through arteries.
The force with which the arteries are pushed by pumped blood creates a pressure in the arteries which is called blood pressure.
Normally the blood pressure is denoted by two numbers, one is lower and the other is higher.
When the heart contracts (left ventricle), the pressure measured is known as systolic pressure and is denoted by the higher number.
When the heart relaxes, the pressure measured is known as diastolic and is denoted by the smaller number.
Blood pressure is denoted by a slash i.e., systolic / diastolic.
High blood pressure is also known as hypertension.
Hypertension or high blood pressure is associated with medical symptoms of heart attack, stroke and kidney dysfunction.