Pain Reliever Moonlights as Shield against Gnats

It’s almost like the line in the old popular children’s song “Skip to My Lou:” “Fly’s in the buttermilk, shoo, fly, shoo.” Only nowadays, it’s an ointment that’s making gnats go away.

During the warmer months, gnats can be a real pain in the neck. Yet, many people are starting to notice that the same product you use to massage away those neck pains can also keep pesky gnats away.
Users of Absorbine Jr., a popular topical pain reliever, are taking note of its uncanny ability to ward off gnats. Although not its primary function, many see Absorbine Jr. as having a dual purpose.

“Absorbine Jr. really does discourage gnats. I keep a bottle in my car so I can have it handy when needed. A park ranger suggested it to me,” says Cathy Krieger of Chicago, who spends much of her free time in the outdoors of western Illinois. “I was wearing an insect net over my head because the gnats were so bad.

When I dabbed Absorbine Jr. around my hairline, it completely solved the problem, and I could dispense with the net.”

W.F. Young, Inc., the marketers of Absorbine Jr. Pain Relieving Liquid, often hear statements just like that from other customers.

“We noticed an increase in the number of inquiries to our customer service department regarding Absorbine Jr. and its ability to help with gnats,” said Robert J. Wallace, vice president of sales at W.F. Young, Inc. “We do not market or make any claims that Absorbine Jr. helps in this way, but it became a word-of-mouth phenomenon. We also heard from our retailers that they couldn’t keep the product on their shelves.”
Is it a coincidence that gnats just happen to avoid people using Absorbine Jr.? Or has W.F. Young stumbled upon a new line of attack to battle bugs? No matter the case, customers are now flocking to store shelves for this pain-relieving ointment when the gnats begin to swarm.

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Article Courtesy: News USA